Tuesday, April 15, 2008

We Have a Name!!

Shocker of all shockers, this LO already has a name! We decided on Saturday that we will call her Maggie Amelia. The more we say it, the more we love it and I think even Piper is starting to get used to it! We figured since Piper is named after someone in my family (my sweet baby brother) then we would name Maggie after someone in Ryan's family (his grandma). Amelia is Rita's middle name and we absolutely ADORE her so it's perfect!

While it's tempting to run out and buy a whole bunch of personalized "Maggie" stuff, I refuse to do so. That was my one and only rule when pregnant with Piper: I don't want anything with her name on it until she's safe and sound at home. Same goes for Maggie. It just wouldn't feel right (to me) until I'm holding her in her own home, in her own room.

Aside from that, not much going on. Oh, except for all the sickness floating around...again! Ryan has a horrific cold and I'm scared to even get near him; Mom and Danny both have some weird cough/fever/achy thing going on. Danny even closed work yesterday (UNHEARD OF) because he was so sick. That probably also had to do with me not being here either - I had a headache for 48 hours and was ready to scream last night. It's *finally* gone and I'm now at work all by my lonesome.

Piper and I have a fun playdate tomorrow with Kristin and Aiden! It's supposed to be in the 70s so the pg mamas will sit and watch their girls ride bikes - I can't wait!

I guess that's all for now. Any extra prayers/good thoughts that Piper and I do NOT get the nastiness that's around us would be greatly appreciated!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YAY for Maggie Amelia, I love it!!!!

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