Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Appointment Update

Another routine and uneventful appointment this morning. Piper didn't want to go with me so she stayed at Kari's and played with Isaac. Let's see... I've gained a total of 1.5 pounds (she even said "Now, no dieting, okay?" Yeah, like I'd be doing that.), BP was 110/62 (I'm a zombie), LO's heartrate was in the 150s and I go back in 4 weeks, on April 10th. That's about it! She gave me my instruction sheet for the ultrasound and told me to go ahead and schedule the appointment; I just laughed. "Yep, did that already!" I was also told to double my dose of iron (blech) and see how I feel after 2 weeks. I've been very, very tired lately and have been getting headaches pretty much daily. Hopefully this will help a bit!

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