Thursday, May 15, 2008

27 Week Belly Pic and a New One of Piper

I got urged by a friend of mine to post more (Hi, Jennie!) so I'm going to try and write more often, no matter how boring my life may seem. :) Let's see, what's new this week? Oh, yeah, the heartburn is absolutely OUT OF CONTROL! So bad that I was up every 1/2 hour last night - my chest and throat felt like they were going to explode. Total B.S., if you ask me. Ha ha.

We got Maggie's bedding on Monday! My WONDERFUL mom bought it for us and I'm just THRILLED with how beautiful it is! Click here to check it out. It'll look fantastic with Piper's bedding and we've decided to go with green accents throughout their room, instead of completely painting the walls. Too much of a hassle! Piper has also said she'd like to create some artwork for us to hang around the room; her own "gift" to her baby sister.

I've got a million other pictures I'm dying to show off but my computer at work is suuuuuppppperrr slow so that'll have to wait until another day. I hope everyone is doing well!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You look fantastic! Almost there woman. Piper's a always!

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