Thursday, May 8, 2008

Maggie is getting BIG!

From baby-gaga:
Your miniature baby isn't so teeny tiny anymore: weighing just under 2 pounds and measuring about 14 inches from head to foot. They're still collecting their baby fat, growing their brain, and generally getting bigger and better. As for you, you're heavier, more likely to experience back ache, and probably would benefit from a nice long foot rub right about now. (Hear that, Ryan??)

From PregnancyWeekly:
Your baby weighs almost 2 pounds, measures around 14 inches from head to heel, and hears noises, responds to light, and is generally more aware of its surroundings. In the same way that you can see a flashlight if you hold it against your palm, your baby can see the light coming through your belly. You may notice increased activity when in brighter light and decreased activity in darkened rooms. Its hearing is fully developed, and as she reacts to sounds, its pulse increases. Your baby may even move in rhythm to music!


I can't believe I'm 26 weeks today! That's just crazy! My appointment on Tuesday was kind of lame. I got there and they had no record of my appointment (wha??) but fit me in quickly, which surprised me. I've gained another 3 pounds (7 total), my BP was 126/76, Maggie's heartrate was 152 and I measured 25cm. Everything looked great! I then got my blood drawn to check for GD and if I don't hear anything from Dr. Wenzel, that's good news. I'm not too worried, though seeing as how NOT enjoyable this pregnancy has been, I guess anything's possible!

Not much else is going on with us. Ryan's surprise birthday party was last Friday and was he ever surprised! It was pretty cool and he was quite happy.

Piper is starting to get a bit anxious about Maggie's arrival and every time I go to the doctor, she asks me "Are you getting the baby out THIS time?" She's just too sweet. She told me last night that she was going to call her baby sister "Maggie Giraffe". I told her that was fine, as it's HER sister and she can call her whatever she wants (within reason!)

I guess that's all for now. I hope everyone is doing well!

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