Tuesday, June 10, 2008

An Update and a Few Pictures!!

Well, I'm now almost 31 weeks (craziness!) and starting to count down the minutes. At my last appointment (on Friday), I was measuring 2 weeks "behind" and that, coupled with not much weight gain, led my doctor to decide it was time for a growth scan. So, yesterday I had a nice 1/2 hour peek at Maggie! From what I could see, she's where she should be. With each measurement, the weeks/days would display on the bottom of the screen and every measurement was at at least 30 weeks, some were bigger. Of course, I have no idea about the amniotic fluid, placenta or umbilical cord, but she looked great and she's definitely grown since I last saw her! The radiologist was going to go over my results this morning and then send everything over to Dr. Wenzel's office. I should hear the results tomorrow. I'm not too worried, though I definitely would have been had I not seen those numbers. Plus, the tech was AWESOME and explained everything as she was doing it.

Here are a few pics of our girl!

This one I absolutely love! Just look at those lips! Spitting image of her daddy and her big sister. <3

In other news, my dear friend Laura gave birth to her beautiful twins last Monday! Wyatt and Bridget were born just shy of 4 weeks early and are in spectacular health! No NICU time and have been home since last Wednesday. Much love to Laura and her beautiful family!

Sweet Isaac will be TWO on Thursday, which totally blows my mind. We're having his birthday party at Mom and Danny's on Saturday - we can't wait! I know this is particularly tough on Kari (her baby boy growing up and all) so if you're on Facebook or MySpace with her, send her a little note.

Ryan and I are spending all of Saturday the 21st getting the girls' room ready. I think he's chosen to forget that but I lovingly remind him every chance I get. Ha ha. We don't really have *that* much to do and I'm actually quite excited about it. I'll be sure to post pictures of the before and after!

Okay, that's about all for now. I'll be sure to update after I hear from Dr. Wenzel.

Much love,

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