Wednesday, February 20, 2008

I Got the Call

It's official: my baby girl is registered for preschool this fall. I bawled like a baby on and off all day Friday; I just can't believe she's going to SCHOOL!! I know it's "just" preschool, but next year is kindergarten and then, before we know it, she'll be graduating. Ugh. She'll be going to Kinderfarm, which we're all pretty excited about. Though she keeps saying "I hate school, Mommy", I think she'll change her tune when we go for our visit in the spring.

Our baby is growing up, and just in time for a new baby to come into our lives! Wow.

1 comment:

Katy Brown said...

How exciting! It is a big deal! I am sure she is going to love it. Matt has such fond memories of Kinderfarm.


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